February 23, 2025, 6:51


Table of Contents

[About Family]

Access: Main Screen – Family You can create or join a Family in [Family Hall] and earn Family EXP, Family Contribution and Speedup Coupons by donating to your Family. Family EXP can be used to level up your Family and unlock modes and contents. Family Contribution can be used to exchange for items.

[Family Shop]

Family Shop provides a wide range of items. Here, you can use Family Contribution earned via donation to exchange for Magic Lamps, Speedup Coupons, Gold, Draw Tickets, Advanced Seeds, Bombs, Challenge Tickets and other items. Each item has a daily exchange limit. As your Family levels up, you can use more Family Contribution to exchagne for more items daily.

[Blazing Cave]

Single-Player PVE Use challenge attempts to conquer the Lava Behemoth for rewards such as Family Contribution, Diamonds, pals and skills. The boss level and rewards increase with your total damage dealt. You regain 1 challenge attempt every 8 hours, so don’t forget to use them every day!

[Grumpy Bighead]

Team PVE The dungeon unlocks twice a day during fixed time slots. You need to sign up before registration closes. After the raid starts, you will team up with other Family members that have signed up to fight the boss and win rewards. You can also plan ahead with other Family members and choose your skills and pals before the event to deal higher damage in the dungeon.

[Family Brawl]

Multi-Player PVP Team up with Family members to challenge other Families in three lanes and claim rewards every week! Sign-up opens every Monday. Battles commence every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening. Don’t forget to discuss with Family members and adjust the lineup for the three lanes in advance. Your team will claim the final victory if it wins in two lanes!

On this magic land, the power of friends can make you even stronger!

<Gameplay content not final and is subject to change.>

Credit: Cheyenne (Community Operator at “Legend of Mushroom”)

Picture of LoMKnowledge


Founder of LoMKnowledge.com

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