March 20, 2025, 19:48

Parking Wars


“Parking Wars” is a dynamic and competitive feature in “Legend of Mushroom” where players compete against each other to secure and maintain parking spots for their shrooms. This feature adds a unique twist to the game, combining strategy and real-time interaction with other players.

This game mode allows players to “park” their mount into parking spots. In doing so, they receive rewards which can be used to upgrade their character or car park. You can plunder other peoples mounts to stop them from parking and to obtain Parking Coins (can be exchange for goodies in the Auto Mart aka Parking Wars shop).

You can redeem Parking Points for items in the Auto Mart. These items include: Decorations (increase the buffs of your parking lot), Mounted remodelling exp, Offline Warp (instantly obtain one hour of offline rewards), Construction Rush (Instantly accelerate magic lamp, tech, and manor upgrades by 60 minutes each), Super Miner (Receive 50% more Ore for the next 60 minutes up to 50 times when manually mining) and Bountiful Harvest (Receive 50% extra Fruit Offerings from manor harvests up to 30 times within 180 minutes).

You can choose what Mount to use when parking, with each Mount earning different rewards. After 12 hours of using a particular Mount within a single day the rewards from that Mount is significantly reduced.

Each parking lot has four spaces and has a variety of buffs. It is recommended to chose a car park that is safe when offline to help gain eight hours of rewards (after eight hours you will stop receiving any rewards) and you can choose more riskier options when online.

Your personal parking lot will start off with zero buffs, although you can purchase Decorations in order to receive a variety of buffs and increase the amount you earn from your parking lot.

You can look towards friends, or refresh for random people’s, parking lots. Here it will tell you a breakdown of the Parking Coin, Mounted Remodelling EXP, and Luck available at their parking spot. It may be worthwhile choosing these types of lots rather than your own or public ones depending on the buffs available.

These are the best parking lots to chose at the beginning of Parking Wars due to their 50% buffs to Parking Coins and Mounted Remodelling EXP as well as 20% luck. It is recommended to be online when you are parking here as you will become a target due to the limited spaces. If you are online you can then move to another parking spot if you are kicked out of your current one.

As you gain buffs through Decorations your Parking Spot may become quite attractive to others (as it offers additional reward bonuses). The bonuses other players can acquire from your parking spot includes an increase in Parking Coins, Luck, Mount Remodel EXP, ATK, DEF and HP.

You can press the “Set Parking Fee” sign in the middle of your parking lot to create a tax for people to use your parking lot. Here you can disable or enable a tax from 5-20% of their earnings you can also set admittance boundaries.

Remodeling Guide
Offline Warp
Construction Rush
Super Miner
Bountiful Harvest

Should players chose to pay this tax when they use your parking lot you cannot attack them and they can even chose to have you defend them. If a player is successfully plundered in your parking lot they will not pay any tax to you.

You can plunder opponents after they have been on a parking spot (providing they dont have any decorations that extended this grace period) for thirty minutes. When you plunder opponents you gain 20% of their Parking Coins. You can plunder someone by looking through Parking Lots (press “Find Parking Lot” button at the bottom) selecting a worthy opponent and then clicking Plunder. In this menu you can also ask for help and have someone else plunder them.

You can plunder as many opponents as you like although after your first successful plunder you will receive a 10% ATK / HP / DEF debuff that takes 30 minutes to disappear. If you continue to plunder successfully you will receive a 35/55/70% debuff (2nd, 3rd and 4th plunder) and refresh the 30 minute cool down.

List of Decoration:

Shroomie Grassland

Get a 10% ATK Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Highway Parking Lot

Get a 10% HP Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Flower Gate

Gain an additional 5% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Oriental Courtyard Gate

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 5% when using your own parking spot

Cartoon Gate

Gain an additional 3% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Triumphal Arch

Get a 8% ATK Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Traditional Archway

Gain an additional 5% in Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Pepe Door (Event)

Recive an extra 5% in Parking Coins and Remodel Points along with an additional 3% adventure probability when using your own parking spot

Duxander Gate (Event)

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 5% when using your own parking spot

Barbed Wire

Get a 10% DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Floral Vines

Gain an additional 3% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Traditional Stone Balustrade

Get a 5% HP Boost in battles at Parking Wars

European Railings

Gain an additional 3% in Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Safety Fence

Extend the parking protection duration by 30 minutes for all your mounts

Graceful Partition Screen

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 3% when using your own parking spot

Artistic Streetlamp

Gain an additional 5% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

European Streetlamp

Gain an additional 5% in Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Vintage Streetlamp

Get a 5% DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Classic Streetlamp

Get a 5% ATK Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Hanging Floral Lantern

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 3% when using your own parking spot

Pepe Lamp (Event)

Get a 3% ATK, HP and DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Duck Lamp (Event)

Get a 3% ATK, HP and DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Shroomie Security Booth

Extend the parking protection duration by 20 minutes for all your mounts


Gain an additional 8% in Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Observatory Platform

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 3% when using your own parking spot

Flowerside Storytelling

Gain an additional 5% Parking Coins and Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Carved Gazebo

Extend the parking protection duration by 20 minutes for all your mounts

Shroomie Gazebo

Get a 2% ATK, HP, and DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Sack Panda

Receive an extra 4% in Parking Coins and Remodel Points, along with an additional 2% adventure probability when using your own parking spot

Festive Carousel

Gain an additional 8% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Christmas Crystal House

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 4% when using your own parking spot

Festive Ferris Wheel

Get a 3% ATK, HP, and DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Ice Pond

Gain an additional 8% in Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Cradle Gazebo

Extend the parking protection duration by 20 minutes for all your mounts

Chrishroom's Secret

Gain an additional 5% Parking Coins and Remodel Points when using your own parking spot

Christmas Tree

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 3% when using your own parking spot

Cupid's Fountain

Extend the parking protection duration by 20 minutes for all your mounts

Conch House

Get a 5% DEF Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Vaction Bench

Get a 5% HP Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Lotus Leaves

Gain an additional 8% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Holiday Pool

Boost the probability of triggering adventure rewards by 4% when using your own parking spot

Dragon God Idol

Get a 5% ATK Boost in battles at Parking Wars

Fortune Tree

Receive an extra 4% in Parking Coins and Remodel Points, along with an additional 2% adventure probability when using your own parking spot

Gold Shroomie

Gain an additional 10% in Parking Coins when using your own parking spot

Earnings via mounts:

Mount Parking Coins Per Minute Resources









